For my swing photos I like to give them a vintage feel.
It may be something that is over done at the moment but I don't care!
I love old style photographs and film photography but sometimes film isn't a
practical option. When photographing swing dancing I prefer to use my DSLR
as I can take as many photos as a I like and not
worry about blurring or dark/lightness.
This is important when the subjects are moving very fast like swing dancers do!
I then usually use photoshop to crop and create a vintage feel to the pics.
For the swing photos at Christmas I had the time to experiment. I loved having
different effects and played with the idea of different era styles.
(I save each photo under a name that will remind me of how I created
the effect).
However. Photoshop takes time. I love doing it, I love sitting with a big cup
tea and playing on it but sometimes time isn't on my side.
SO I was really happy when I found this amazing website:
You can upload a photo and try a huge amount of different tricks and treats!
It's got really cool tools and speeds up polishing photos when you need to.