Saturday, 23 June 2012

More Calendar Recycling!

A few months ago I posted about recycling old calenders. 
Here is another project I completed with the same calendar. 
Note Books! 

I made them in a very similar way to the earring holders; the main difference is that I back the patterned paper on light card - the same thickness you'd use to make a greetings card is best. I just used a glue stick to attach the calendar page but a spray on adhesive would give a good even and thorough coverage.

2. For the pages, I cut out lined paper from a very boring plain spiral bound notepad. 

3. I had to experiment with how many pages of paper the sewing machine could cope with (again using the needle now devoted to sewing paper). I think about 20 is the absolutely maximum but the trick is to try a couple of millimetres of paper and if the needle doesn't push through not to force it. Just remove a few sheets until the needle can push through the sheets without too much effort. 

4. I used a wide stitch again (remember too small a stitch and the paper will just tear). I sewed a straight stitch and then a zigzag for extra strength.  

My new notebook is going to be used to jot down ideas for my blogs! 
Have you seen my art blog? 

For my second book I sewed lined paper on one side  and left the other side free to decorate with another pattern. 

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